Wrist masses are abnormal tissue growths that develop in the wrist area, often presenting as swellings along tendons or joints. Common benign wrist masses include ganglion cysts (fluid-filled lumps associated with joints or tendons) and synovial cysts (sac-like growths filled with fluid). Malignant masses, like sarcomas or carcinomas, can also occur in the wrist, but more rarely. Diagnosing the specific type of wrist mass requires imaging tests and sometimes biopsy to differentiate benign lesions from potentially cancerous ones.
The lunotriquetral ligament connects the lunate bone to the triquetral bone in the wrist. Injury or degeneration of this ligament can cause instability between these two bones, leading to lunotriquetral instability. This condition causes wrist pain, clicking, and loss of range of motion.